One Simple Thing You Can Do To Help Regulate The Nervous System
The the simplest way I have found to send signals of safety to the body and better regulate my nervous system is breathe with an extended exhale. It is incredibly easy to do. As simple as breathing in for two counts and exhaling for around 4 counts.
Regulating the nervous system means balancing the sympathetic (activated) and parasympathetic (recovery) branches of the nervous system. Most people are in a chronically activated state (sympathetic dominance) and find it hard to get into a parasympathetic state. Breathing is one of the few ways to connect the rational mind and the Autonomic Nervous System. The sympathetic branch is linked to the inhale (think gasping when surprised) and the parasympathetic branch is linked to the exhale (think big sigh when you are relaxed). By focussing on your breath and extending your exhale, you send a signal of safety to the body. Try to do it throughout the day - before you get out of bed, while making tea/coffee/while driving/while waiting in line/before reacting.
Do it so often that it becomes more default.
Breathing is vital to life. We don’t have to think about it but we can control it. Mouth breathing and other incorrect breathing patterns can have a big impact on quality of life. An excellent book to dive deeper into the power of breathing is Breath by James Nestor.
At Rē Precision Health we teach tools to regulate the nervous system through education and immersive experiences online and in our bubbles of paradise in Mexico and Portugal. Our programs have positively impacted (and even saved) hundreds of lives.
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All information provided in our resources in for informational purposes only. It is not intended to replace a medical/mental health professional.