The Power Of Co-regulation
We need connection to evolve, to survive and to thrive. The two primary roles of the Nervous System are protection and connection. Our Ventral Vagal (newer) system that helps us feel safe and navigate our environment evolves with connection. Co-regulation - our interaction with others - is crucial to help us feeling safe in our environment and get out of our survival primitive brain.
In our society of hyper individualism and we-can-do-it-all-ourselves, the importance of co-regulation is often overlooked. Three years of COVID restrictions created more isolation plus screen time and never ending news cycles made us more hyper vigilant. Understanding the crucial need to co-regulate, we can perhaps give ourselves a break, soften the protective armor and make connection a priority.
The programs we have created at Rē Precision Health focus on the Nervous System because we believe it is the foundation for physical and mental wellbeing. We run the programs in a group format with a fixed start and end date to facilitate co-regulation by providing an opportunity for guests to go through the same process together, overcome challenges together and be vulnerable but supported together. Guests are often apprehensive about being in a group (especially men), sometimes citing it as a reason for not wanting to do the program. Then at the end of every program we have ever done, the co-regulation created and felt in the group dynamic is stated as being the most impactful part of the program (especially by the men!)
Check out our Rēset programs where you can learn about your nervous system and tools for regulating it, so that you have more access to the Ventral Vagal state with a group and team to support you along the way.
“When we are heard, understood, and cared for this helps us feel safe. Feeling safe allows us to express, process, and work through our emotions.”
Dr. Aaron Roughan
At Rē Precision Health we teach tools to regulate the nervous system through education and immersive experiences online and in our bubbles of paradise in Mexico and Portugal. Our programs have positively impacted (and even saved) hundreds of lives.
Guest stories here:
All information provided in our resources in for informational purposes only. It is not intended to replace a medical/mental health professional.